We need to talk. It opens the door to working together.

  • "I want to promote the priorities of a healthy, resilient, year-round economy in our community."

    — In 2024, I helped approve the new Haines Comprehensive Plan that provides a road map for priorities in our region. If elected, I look forward to supporting the next steps in implementing this plan, through code revisions, community planning efforts on specific activites in the plan, and I will vote to support ways to increase revenues into our community so we can make the components of this plan possible. In 2024, as Finance Committee chair, I helped lead efforts to implement a Port Fee to be collected by cruise ship passengers, which will result in a new revenue stream for our community to support some of the concepts in the new Comprehensive Plan.

  • "I support the Lutak Dock project"

    — The Lutak Dock project is a grant- funded project and there are many requirements of the grant in order to receive the federal funding for the bulk of the project. I have spent the last year on assembly working in favor of a Lutak Dock project that will withstand the level of scrutiny and public process required to receive the $20M in federal funding. I also want to make sure we have sufficient funds for any potential cost overruns on the project, and can cover the necessary staff salary time that will be spent on managing the largest infrastructure project in the borough.

  • “The public decides our progress. We defend the process.”

    —We get to define, as a community, what it means to say "critical infrastructure." For big infrastructure and resource development projects, we should hold borough-wide advisory votes in advance of permitting approvals at the borough, state and federal level. We need to require public comment periods and public hearings, so that responsible agencies have to respond to our community’s questions and concerns. It is the borough assembly’s role as facilitators and leaders to protect and elevate the public’s role in deciding the future of our community.

  • “Education to support our future.”

    — We want school administrators, teachers and students to have the finances to deliver and prepare for the future. This means robust K-12 education funding. It also means thinking forward to the vocational tech and trainings needed to provide basic services in our community. Region-wide investments in vocational training programs can come to our community, if we show an interest in supporting partnership with universities, regional Native Corporations, Tribal Governments, start ups, and companies looking to expand services.